

Thursday, April 10, 2008

How can you use information on the Web?

The web is full of lots of useful information. There are a number of ways of using this information...

Printing Using the Find Tool
Copying Text Saving Pictures

You will learn how to do each of these things in this section.

Let's find out more about printing...


How do you print web pages?

Printing web pages is very easy.

Read these instructions very carefully, because you will need to remember them for the next activity.

1) Find the page on the web which you would like to print.

2) Turn your printer on, make sure it is ON-LINE and has some paper in it!

3) Press the Print button in your web browser. The Print buttons for the two main browsers are shown below...

Internet Explorer Firefox

You can also choose the PRINT option on the FILE menu.

4) Your printer should now print the page. If a new window pops up on the screen giving you printer options, you can normally just click on OK.

Let's try a printing activity to see if you've remembered how to print something!
Printing Activity

Follow these instructions very carefully....

1) Print this page.
(if you have forgotten how to print, go BACK and reread the instructions)

2) When the page has printed, cut out the 9 squares below, and rearrange them until you see the secret access code.

3) Type this access code into the box below (use capital letters) and click on "CHECK CODE"

Access Code:

If the code is correct, you will go to the next page.

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